"Honesty, it's the new viagra"
On another note, had a conversation this week about the old adage that you shouldn't be dating until you're o.k. with being alone. I am coming to realize that the nugget of wisdom in this idea is not that you should be o.k. being alone - we'll all want companionship at some point - but that you need to be fully o.k. with who you are. If you're unclear on the basics of what makes you tick, or exactly what you're looking for - you run a variety of risks and almost assure that a relationship will get off to the wrong start. Because while attraction and chemistry can be had in the absence of true self-awareness, the more subtle complexities of relationships and communications just aren't that easy. I think in my case I've been approaching dating in reaction to my last relationship - thinking enough time has gone by and I'm young and I've never done this so I should get out there. In reality, I need to tread a little more carefully as some of those big life questions are still fairly unresolved in my book, and now's a great time to tackle them. Not that I'll necessarily find the answers, but perhaps in searching, I'll find a little more of myself.
hi people on megs blog - I just wanted to say that I know I wasn't attracted to this person on the first date and then was such a nerd because I 2 more dates and then a week to call and say there was not enough chemistry on my end but it was nice to meet you!
ok ok, so you were a jerk to start with but you redeemed yourself in the end!!!
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